“What will it cost?” is often the first question we are asked. However, we cannot give a generic answer because every hair transplantation is unique and needs to be adjusted according to the patient’s needs and expectations. We always put the patient’s wishes first. However, it is often only possible to give an accurate estimate after a personal consultation and an on-site examination of hair density and hair structure, as well as determination of the size of the area to be treated. Other factors that affect the overall price of hair transplantation include hair growth direction and hair density in the area of the harvesting site.
The type of hair transplantation is also a decisive factor in the cost. The Artas® robot-assisted method is more expensive than the manual method. FUE is usually more expensive than FUT. Therefore, each patient should always carefully weigh up all the options for hair transplantation so that they can achieve an aesthetically pleasing and natural result.
Providers in other countries often use the number of hairs as a reference for calculating costs. But the fact is that one follicle can contain up to four hairs. This means that the number of follicles is what is relevant. This must be determined precisely: not only numerically, but also from an anatomical perspective, depending on what the starting situation requires.
At our clinic, we offer financing options with the help of our partners.