Autologous blood therapy: PRP/PRF


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy are treatment options for both men and women with hair loss. Our clinic has many years of experience in using autologous blood therapy to stimulate various regenerative processes. We are convinced of its effectiveness. Scientific studies have shown the positive effect of autologous blood in wound healing and hair growth. It is thought that growth factors contained in stem cells of human blood lead to tissue regeneration.

How does autologous blood therapy work?

A normal blood draw is done, then the blood is centrifuged and filtered. This yields highly concentrated plasma that separates from the rest of the blood. Once this separation has been made, the plasma containing growth factors and stem cells is extracted and then injected into the scalp. This only requires a mild local anesthetic in the head area. The patient does not experience any pain. The procedure improves the blood flow to the scalp and stimulates hair growth.

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) treatment in Zurich

The PRF method is a more advanced version of the PRP treatment and at our clinic, it is used exclusively for hair growth stimulation. It has almost completely replaced previous PRP treatments because it is more effective and the results are superior. Centrifugation is done more gently with this method, so it yields more high-quality plasma that is richer in cells, platelets, and growth factors. The extracted PRF is then painlessly injected into the anesthetized scalp.